How To Optimize Your Instagram

#1 Optimize Your Bio

Your biography is one of the very first impressions you’ll make on Instagram. Make it concise and interesting!

You have a limited space to convert strangers into followers, and it’s important that you can instantly let your visitors what your business actually does.

Yes, your bio should showcase your personality (or the personality of your brand), but don’t make it all about you. Instead, you should be writing TO your ideal customer. After all, we are looking for engaged and loyal followers!

You want to make sure you’re letting potential new followers know who your profile is for, and what’s in it for them to follow your account.

I also suggest revamping your bio every month or two to keep your account fresh! Your business is always evolving, so let your customers know!

You only have a few seconds to make a good impression — make sure to capture your potential new follower’s attention and make sure they hit “follow”! 

#2 Call To Action

You have the option to add a link in your bio! But here’s the catch… you only get to add ONE link.

For this reason, I recommend getting a or account.

This will allow you to add more than one link to your bio! For example, if you’re offering a new promo, resource or limited time offer, make sure to let your profile visitors know by adding it to your link!

tulsa instagram marketing

#3 Keep It Simple

Really, overthinking will only lead to confusion and doubt! 

Here are some action steps that will help you simplify your Insta:

  • @Name: make sure your username is as simple as you can possibly make it. Make it easy for others to search for you!
  • Business Name: Use this space for keywords about your business to help people looking for accounts LIKE yours find you. (example: If you are an ice cream shop in Dallas, your business name could be “Dallas Ice Cream Shop,” even if your @username is the name of your shop).
  • When writing your bio, think of 3 things you want your followers to know.
  • When creating or curating content, focus on ONE thing. Do you want your “thing” to be a color scheme? Do you want all of your photos to be in black and white? Do you want every photo to include a hand in it? Pick a “thing” and stick to it.

#4 Combine Your Accounts

You DON’T need a business account and a personal account. Unless you just really want to keep up with two Instagram accounts.. but ain’t nobody got time for that.

To be honest, trends are pointing toward consumers craving more authentic accounts. People are tending to be more drawn to the “reality” behind the ‘gram. For that reason, don’t be afraid to throw in a personal post every now and again! 

Another perk to combining your accounts is you will get the added benefit of all of your friends and family following you for your personal posts, which helps boost your following and engagement! It really is a win-win.

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